Origo 500FX
1 x 15 L and 1 x 25 L bucket
1 x 15 L and 1 x 25 L bucket
Modular version on metal plate
F = with working platform (e.g. UltraSpeed)
X = Extension for waste collection
Suitable for General Building Cleaning. Available with plastic base plate and metal frame.
Origo 500FX with following accessories:
- 1 x 15 L and 1 x 25 L bucket with UltraSpeed press
- 5 x tray
- 2 x 6 L bucket
- 1 x mop holder
- 3 x handle holder
- 1 x bin bag holder 120 L
- 1 x lid for bin bag holder
Description | Réf. carton TSU | Emb./carton | Réf. Emb. BCU | Pces/Emb. |
Origo 500 FX | 121606 | 1 | 121607 | 1 |